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Playlist info for: 'The Noise Connoisseur' on 11-12-2004

Playlist for 'The Noise Connoisseur', 11-12-2004, on wobc at
Show nameThe Noise Connoisseur
Show DJs -none-
Show infoThe Noise Connoisseur wants to be the source for all your noise needs. Come frolic in our playground of aural agony/ecstacy, where the rusted monkey bars will give you tetanus and the woodchips will splinter your trembling epidermis. DJs Klaustrophobia and Rumble Bee are the new kings of the castle.
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Schedule type
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
02:06 am no end brainbombs brainbombs load
02:16 am tomato synthesizer boredoms chocolate synthesizer
02:16 am st patrick's gay parade arab on radar queen hygiene II 31g
02:24 am (unknown) Talibam (untitled CDR)
02:27 am Sick Unsane Occupational Hazard Relapse
02:29 am go freaks go Brainiac Internationale Touch & Go
02:33 am same deal talibam! same cdr
02:38 am elephantitis of the night godheadsilo elephantitis of the night krs
02:42 am hunkamaniac neon hunk smarmybob load
02:43 am pulse x27 your neu favorite band narnack
02:47 am CDR track 1 Talibam CDR
02:50 am Organized Meat Cows Whorn Amphetamine Reptile
02:55 am uUH uuUh Uuhh USAisamonster Tasheyana Compost Load
03:00 am lollipop lady les georges leningrad doux hot dogs moutarde chou alien 8
03:07 am who farted vincebus eruptum load
This playlist is for a show at WOBC Oberlin College and Community Radio, (WOBC). If you wish to contact this station - or this DJ - see: