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Playlist info for: 'cut, chop, kill' on 10-26-2009

Playlist for 'cut, chop, kill', 10-26-2009, on wobc at
Show namecut, chop, kill
Show DJs Meade
Show infoIs a show of contemporary ‘art’ or ‘classical’ music, doing everything it can to dismantle and destroy the connotations of those categories. Each show will feature a collection of contemporary “concert�? music that I know and love, in addition to a wide array of music that I have recently discovered. A strong emphasis will be placed on living, active composers, including music and interviews with local and visiting composers. The scope of the show will be wide, but accessible; you will hear orchestral music, chamber music, music for unusual ensembles, electronic music, minimal music, and lots of hard-to-categorize music, much of which will be as suitable for boosing and baby-making as it is for performing in Carnegie hall (it may be art, but we still like to party). We will listen to a lot of music that dangerously straddles the line between classical and pop music, and between twinkly soul food and flat-out mayhem.
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Playlist RSS
Schedule type
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
08:56 pm Windungen Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico French Music channel classics Classical
09:03 pm pneApnea Nathan Davis Aliento ICE Classical
This playlist is for a show at WOBC Oberlin College and Community Radio, (WOBC). If you wish to contact this station - or this DJ - see: