Playlist info for: 'Ouisiyes' on 10-23-2006

Show nameOuisiyes
Show DJs -none-
Show infoAvant-garde pop and psych rock 1960-present.
Show link http://wobc.radioactivity.fm/show.html?showoid=2936
Playlist RSS http://wobc.radioactivity.fm/feeds/playlistrss.html?showoid=2936&date=10-23-2006
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
07:01 pm running thoughts Deerhoof the runners four
07:05 pm things'll never be the same spacemen3 for all the fucked up childrenof this world we give you...
07:11 pm why are we sleeping? soft machine
07:15 pm blue veins the raconteurs
07:18 pm nothing gonna stop folk implossion KIDS
07:23 pm see the way skeletons and the girlfaced boys git
07:26 pm cruiser's creek the fall
07:32 pm nas paredes da pedra encantada lula cortes e ze ramalho paebiru
07:37 pm ? gang gang dance revival of the shittest
07:40 pm twilight furniture this heat this is 1
07:49 pm village oblivia wolf eyes burned mind
07:53 pm femme fetale the velvet underground the velvet underground

Playlist Artists:
 folk implossion
 gang gang dance
 lula cortes e ze ramalho
 skeletons and the girlfaced boys
 soft machine
 the fall
 the raconteurs
 the velvet underground
 this heat
 wolf eyes

Playlist Labels: