Playlist info for: 'Tsunami Soul' on 02-19-2004

Show nameTsunami Soul
Show DJs Tom
Show infoInstrumental surf and rockabilly action adventure.
Show link http://wobc.radioactivity.fm/show.html?showoid=2103
Playlist RSS http://wobc.radioactivity.fm/feeds/playlistrss.html?showoid=2103&date=02-19-2004
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
06:01 pm cecilia ann the surftones surf legends (and rumors) garland
06:02 pm heart beat the krontjong devils diggin' for gold double crown records
06:02 pm six feet down snakebite hot, hard and wild old-rock
06:05 pm jaa-rabbi the treble spankers hasheeda polydor
06:14 pm let me in the blue moon boys sticks and stones beat time
06:15 pm teke, teke, teke the mach iv eleki! halakahiki records
06:15 pm 36 district the star and key of the indian ocean rock 'n' roll fiasco green cookie records
06:16 pm boris the conductor [live] laika & the cosmonauts laika sex machine yep roc
06:16 pm how blue the last call brawlers [s/t] rock-n-roll purgatory
06:18 pm blood on the bluegrass legendary shack shakers cockadoodledon't bloodshot
06:27 pm shark next door the tiki tiki bamboooos [s/t] kamikaze
06:27 pm fez the atlantics point zero atlantics
06:28 pm hot rod queen straight 8s casualties of cool rock-n-roll purgatory
06:28 pm serf city gary sredzienski & the serfs cruisin' the creek bellows music
06:29 pm the red scare the infrareds recorded on microfilm infrareds
06:47 pm fried chicken the vivisectors case history of john doe vivisectors
06:48 pm strange man the looney tunes beyond the dune gee-dee music
06:48 pm rock rock rock 'n' roll bonneville let's go rock-a-billy house of wax
06:49 pm roller derby los nitros the fuel injected sound of louie records
06:50 pm six dollar trim star devils diagnosis dee-licious kat tone records
07:03 pm that's what daddy wants wayne hancock that's what daddy wants
07:05 pm charm city surfer swiv-o-matics north east surf music alliance directory sampler, vol. 1 nesma
07:06 pm a spy in the ointment the special agents wilson chance - the sound of danger [soundtrack] hammond beat
07:06 pm stolen cadillac boogie cadillacs
07:06 pm you make me nervous the space agency [s/t] tremolo records
07:17 pm scene 12, take 1 planet creep self service planet creep
07:18 pm the mexican kitarayhtye driving guitars, vol. 1 twangsville productions
07:19 pm teenage vamp the nitemares ritual rockabillies el toro records
07:20 pm caged heat (stroller version) rockin' ryan and the real goners caged heat golly gee records
07:20 pm big thunder the surf coasters [s/t] bmg
07:33 pm da cat the nebulas it's go! time tivertone records
07:33 pm bad bad woman the stockmen blow-out old-rock
07:34 pm the man with the golden reverb the astroglides channel surfing with fast music
07:34 pm some like it hot the jumpin' wheels hot rod mama cab records
07:35 pm evil tiki los plantronics la orchestra diabolica mariachi productions
07:53 pm rockin' train 15 megatones splendid seven of rockabilly
07:54 pm baby blue eyes jets
07:54 pm green valley and the moon bufalos d'agua pacific hell bufalos d'agua
07:55 pm on her majesty's secret service dr. frankenstein the lost tapes from dr. frankenstein's lab low fly

Playlist Artists:
 15 megatones
 bufalos d'agua
 dr. frankenstein
 gary sredzienski & the serfs
 laika & the cosmonauts
 legendary shack shakers
 los nitros
 los plantronics
 planet creep
 rockin' ryan and the real goners
 star devils
 straight 8s
 the astroglides
 the atlantics
 the blue moon boys
 the infrareds
 the jumpin' wheels
 the krontjong devils
 the last call brawlers
 the looney tunes
 the mach iv
 the nebulas
 the nitemares
 the space agency
 the special agents
 the star and key of the indian ocean
 the stockmen
 the surf coasters
 the surftones
 the tiki tiki bamboooos
 the treble spankers
 the vivisectors
 wayne hancock

Playlist Labels:
 beat time
 bellows music
 bufalos d'agua
 cab records
 double crown records
 el toro records
 fast music
 gee-dee music
 golly gee records
 green cookie records
 halakahiki records
 hammond beat
 house of wax
 kat tone records
 louie records
 low fly
 mariachi productions
 planet creep
 rock-n-roll purgatory
 tivertone records
 tremolo records
 twangsville productions
 yep roc